It's no secret that internet connectivity, or lack thereof, is one of the big blockers to adopting digital technologies for growers in the USA, Australia and many other countries. Although cell phone carriers are constantly improving their network coverage, low population densities in rural areas mean that some areas will never get the same connectivity infrastructure as people in more urbanized areas. While we at Agworld cannot fix the infrastructure issue for growers, building in online/offline functionality into our apps has always been key to making sure growers and agronomists can still access and capture important farm data, even without an internet connection. We are always trying to improve the ways our product works and have recently made another change to make it easier to use the app offline.

So what has changed?
With the latest update of the Agworld apps (version 7.1 on your iPhone and iPad), you are now able to edit activities that you’ve created but that have not synced yet. So if you realise you need to make a quick adjustment to a recommendation or actual, or attach an image or annotation after you’ve already submitted the job for example, you can easily fix it before your next sync.
Editing is disabled when a sync is in progress already. Also, if you chose 'submit & send' when you created the original activity, you will be prompted that the original message will have to be deleted. Once you've finished editing the activity, you can 'submit & send' again as usual and create a new message with the updated job. Of course, the 'recently used' feature on the mail author form is also available in this scenario so you can quickly re-enter the same information.I'm sure this will be a very welcome update for all users that regularly utilise Agworld without network connection! If you have any questions about this latest Agworld iOS app release, please don't hesitate to contact your Agworld Customer Success representative.